Coats provides value-adding products including apparel, accessory and footwear threads, structural footwear components, fabrics, yarns and software applications.
We have published our 2024 Sustainability Report, showcasing the significant strides Coats has made towards the achievement of our 2026 targets.
This report provides our shareholders and other key stakeholders with information about our strategy and business as well as our financial and operating performance during 2024.
Coats provides value-adding products including apparel, accessory and footwear threads, structural footwear components, fabrics, yarns and software applications.
Strong delivery, exciting medium-term targets with compounding cash and earnings growth
We have announced our full year results for the year ending 31 December 2024.
A groundbreaking high-performance reinforcement material under circular loop production, designed for the lifestyle industry.
Embrace the future of sustainable manufacturing with Cyclea - a leap forward in sustainable materials that turns waste into a valuable resource.
A 100% organic cotton anti-wick tampon withdrawal cord made in a clean room environment.
Coats tampon cord are specially engineered to operate flawlessly on high speed machinery with minimal breaks, skips and stops.
A sewing thread made from 100% sustainable cotton and environmentally compliant dyes and chemicals.
Completely free of harmful substances, with cotton grown without pesticides, it is an eco-friendly solution for sewing beautiful, lustrous seams on a wide range of products.
A groundbreaking high-performance reinforcement material under circular loop production, designed for the lifestyle industry.
Embrace the future of sustainable manufacturing with Cyclea - a leap forward in sustainable materials that turns waste into a valuable resource.
A 100% organic cotton anti-wick tampon withdrawal cord made in a clean room environment.
Coats tampon cord are specially engineered to operate flawlessly on high speed machinery with minimal breaks, skips and stops.
A sewing thread made from 100% sustainable cotton and environmentally compliant dyes and chemicals.
Completely free of harmful substances, with cotton grown without pesticides, it is an eco-friendly solution for sewing beautiful, lustrous seams on a wide range of products.
A groundbreaking high-performance reinforcement material under circular loop production, designed for the lifestyle industry.
Embrace the future of sustainable manufacturing with Cyclea - a leap forward in sustainable materials that turns waste into a valuable resource.
Sustainability is woven into our DNA, is a core tenet of our Group business strategy and embedded within our Apparel, Performance Materials and Footwear Divisions.
We set new ambitious sustainability targets for delivery across the 2023-2026 time horizon.
Sustainability is woven into our DNA, is a core tenet of our Group business strategy and embedded within our Apparel, Performance Materials and Footwear Divisions.
Coats Group plc is poised to pass the tipping point of using 50% preferred raw (non-virgin oil-based) materials within its products.
Thank you for your enquiry.
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Registered users can place Sample Orders. Contact the local Coats office for registration.
Registered users can place Bulk Orders. Contact the local Coats office for registration.
4th Floor, 14 Aldermanbury Square, London EC2V 7HS.
Numero aziendale: 103548