Rangkaian ini tersusun dari ritsleting dengan pita tekstil poliester tenun atau rajut tergantung pada aplikasinya serta ukuran yang berbeda untuk garmen ringan atau lebih berat.
Untuk garmen yang lebih berat, disarankan memakain pita tenun S44, S54 dan S64; sedangkan untuk garmen yang lebih ringan, lebih cocok memakai pita rajut S43 atau S48.
Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang produk dan praktik terbaik kami, silakan baca Brosur Ritsleting Invisible kami.
Setopan bawah mengambang tersedia untuk semua ukuran ritsleting invisible, yang memberikan nilai tambah bagi pengguna akhir. Cari tahu lebih lanjut dengan mengunduh buletin produk dan lembar data produk kami.
Penggunaan utama
- Gaun
- Pakaian Wanita
- Rok
- Baju olahraga
Penggunaan utama
- Gaun
- Pakaian Wanita
- Rok
- Baju olahraga
Jenis yang tersedia
Ujung Tertutup | Ujung Terbuka | Ujung Terbuka Dua Arah | TWCE O-form | TWCE X-form | Rantai Berkelanjutan | |
S43 | Available | – | – | – | – | – |
S44 | Available | – | – | – | – | – |
S54 | Available | – | – | – | – | – |
S64 | Available | – | – | – | – | – |
Coats S
Coats S BT
A decorative zip with a ‘broken twill’ weave tape, available in a variety of colour combinations
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Coats S CutWork
A spiral zip with cut-out lace tape that will add a decorative feature to garments and trims.
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Coats S Eco-B
Recycled polyester zips incorporating an additive from CiCLO® to reduce synthetic fibre accumulation in landfills and oceans.
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Coats S EcoVerde
Zips made from recycled PET post consumer bottles using our patented ‘S’ technology.
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Coats S Foot Print
A range of extra strong zip sliders that were especially developed to withstand the demanding footwear production process.
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Coats S GYM
This specialised sportswear zip is designed with a unique slider and clip-down puller, which keeps the puller secure during movement.
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Coats S HydroF
EcoVerde Our strongest zips with PU coated tape made from 100% recycled polyester
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Coats S HydroF Ecoverde
Combine strength, security and a unique flat appearance with a specially formulated PU film for a high level of water resistance.
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Coats S HydroS
Ideal for outdoor goods exposed to the elements, these zips have a special water-repellant coating which prevents water from passing through the tape.
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Coats S Interchangeable
Coats S Interchangeable is an open-ended spiral zip that can be combined with other zip halves.
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Coats S Picta
Our new Picta printing technique can produce high quality, wash-resistant patt
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Coats S Pin Bottom Stop
A zip with an invisible finish which is ideal for smart clothing and footwear.
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Coats S Protect
Opti S Protect adalah produk ritsleting spiral yang anti jamur dan lumut.
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Coats S ProtectV
The world’s first spiral zip range powered by HeiQ Viroblock technology, delivering protection against microbial contamination.
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Coats S Regular
These strong and slender spiral zips are manufactured with our patented Spiral S technology.
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Coats S Regular Reversed
The zip spiral is concealed by both sides of the textile tape, giving it a neat and flat invisible appearance for formal or seamless products.
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Coats S Signal
This spiral zip has a special retro-reflective ribbon on the tape to help enhance visibility in low light conditions.
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Coats S StitchLine
Features guidelines along the tape to help you place and sew the zip accurately into your product.
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Perawatan khusus harus diperhatikan untuk memberikan ruang bagi jalannya slide:
- melalui gaya ikat pinggang di celana panjang atau rok
- dalam gaun dengan jahitan samping / ruffles / lapisan atau lipatan yang disambung pada posisi jahitan ritsleting
- di mana lapisan saku bersambung di sepanjang pita ritsleting.
Sebelum produksi massal, Coats Opti merekomendasikan bahwa pengujian dan uji coba dilakukan pada semua penggunaan / aplikasi ritsleting untuk memeriksa bahwa produk tersebut memenuhi persyaratan pelanggan akhir dan tuntutan kondisi pemrosesan internal. Coats Opti mendukung pelanggan dengan saran mengenai aplikasi individu berdasarkan permintaan; jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau masalah, silakan hubungi kami..