COA: 81.00 GBp
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Ana Sayfa • Other Industrial Applications • Tampon Strings
Tampon Strings

Tampon Strings

Coats feminine hygiene withdrawal cord strings and threads are produced in a 'Clean Room' environment to ensure effective protection against bio-organisms. We collaborate closely with our customers to develop customized products, following industry norms and standards.

Our entire product range is designed to adhere to stringent health and safety guidelines, meeting the highest quality standards. Trusted by leading global brands, our withdrawal cord strings and threads are available in various sizes and colors, offering maximum functionality to consumers while maintaining 100% confidentiality during the product design process.

Furthermore, our products can be enhanced with special finishes such as anti-wick with moisture release, anti-odor, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties. They are specially engineered to provide an extra layer of protection against leaks.

Our feminine hygiene products are exclusively custom-designed with several types of strings and thread for leading brands around the globe and are available in a range of sizes, colours and finishes to meet your detach strength requirements and aesthetic needs.

Our tampon strings are manufactured using 100% non-genetically modified cotton, polyester or other non-bio degradable strings and thread.

Uygulama rehberi

Ürün uygulama kılavuzunu tam olarak ihtiyacınız olan bilgileri gösterecek şekilde özelleştirebiliriz, lütfen aşağıdaki filtreden gerekli seçenekleri seçin. Bu son kullanım ürün için önerilen dikiş türleri aşağıdadır.

Garment category Machine type Stitch type Stitch rating per 3cm Needle thread Under thread Needle size Nm
- Stitch cord to pledget Coats® Stricose™ FH
Tex 180, 210
Etiket no 16, 8
Garment category Machine type Stitch type Stitch rating per 3cm Needle thread Under thread Needle size Nm
- Stitch cord to pledget Ultimax
Tex 40, 60
Etiket no 75, 50
Garment category Machine type Stitch type Stitch rating per 3cm Needle thread Under thread Needle size Nm
- Stitch cord to pledget Coats® Astra™ FH
Tex 105
Etiket no 25
Garment category Machine type Stitch type Stitch rating per 3cm Needle thread Under thread Needle size Nm
- Stitch cord to pledget Coats® Admiral™ FH
Tex 210, 270
Etiket no 8, 7

Recommended Sustainable Products

Coats has a wide range of sustainable and eco-friendly sewing threads, yarns, zips and trims.
Coats® Gral™ Suture
A lubricated polyester thread made from pre-stablised high tenacity continuous filament polyester.
More details
Coats® Admiral™ FH Vie
A 100% organic cotton anti-wick tampon withdrawal cord made in a clean room environment.
More details


İplik kullanımında şartlar ve uygulamalar büyük farklılıklar gösterdiğinden Coats ve distribütörleri elde edilecek sonuçlar için garanti vermez. Bu öneriler yalnızca yol gösterme amaçlıdır; şirketin ya da çalışanlarının önerilerle ilgili herhangi bir yükümlülüğü ya da garantisi yoktur. İpliği kullanan kişi, ipliği önceden test ederek istenen nihai amaca uygun olduğundan emin olmalıdır. Yukarıda verilen teknik bilgiler şu anki ortalamaları temel alır ve yalnızca yol gösterici olarak kullanılmalıdır.