Organik pamuklu giysilerde organik pamuk dikiş iplikleri kullanmak zorunda mıyım? Bu iplik kalitelerinin avantajları ve dezavantajları nelerdir?
It is worth checking organic cotton standards, as it may not be necessary to use organic cotton threads. Organic cotton’s properties such as strength elongation are limited due to its organic cultivating conditions.
Dikiş mukavemetini nasıl belirleyebilirim?
Stitch type, seam type, thread type and size etc. play vital roles in seam strength. Choosing all these properly can enhance seam strength. A generic formula is available to determine seam strength: For lockstitch = Stitch per inch (SPI) x Thread breaking strength (STS) x 1.5 For chainstitch = Stitch per inch (SPI) x Thread […]