Ütü sonrası fermuar eğriliyor. Neden?
Spiral/coil zips have an S twist and Z twist in the teeth creating a “smile” or “frown” appearance when the teeth are joined. The left and right teeth should be both in the same direction/condition. If this is not the problem check the sewing tension is equal on both sides of the zip. Also check […]
Rulo fermuarı giysiye diktikten sonra fermuarda eğrilme oluyor. Neden?
Spiral/coil zips have an S twist and Z twist in the teeth creating a “smile” or “frown” appearance when the teeth are joined. The left and right teeth should be both in the same direction/condition. If this is not the problem check the sewing tension is equal on both sides of the zip.
Dişler giysinin patlet panelinin önünde iz yapıyor. Bunu nasıl önleyebilirim?
Ters kürsörlü (elcikli) fermuar kullanın.