COA: 77.77 GBp
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Ana Sayfa • About • Corporate Governance • Other Committees


Other Committees

Details of the other Committees formed to assist the Board and Board Committees in effectively executing their roles.

Group Executive Team (GET)

The GET is responsible for the operational delivery of the Group’s strategy. This includes day-to-day management of operations and responsibility for monitoring detailed performance of all aspects of our business. Biographical details of the members of the GET are available on our Management page.

Disclosure Committee

The Disclosure Committee oversees the Company’s compliance with its disclosure obligations. The Group CEO chairs the Committee, and its other members are the Chief Financial Officer and the Group Company Secretary.

Acquisition Committee

The Acquisition Committee is authorised to oversee specified projects by the Board when appropriate. The Group CEO chairs the Committee, and it includes the Chief Financial Officer and the Group Company Secretary.

Group Risk Management Committee (GRMC)

The GRMC is responsible for formulating risk management strategies and polices, and monitoring risk management throughout the Group. Its Chair is the Group CEO and its membership is aligned to the Group Executive Team.