Board operations
Corporate Governance
Board operations
Find out more about the operations and responsibilities of the Board:
Roles and responsibilities
- setting the strategic direction of the Group, including consideration of strategic acquisitions;
- overseeing implementation of the strategy by ensuring that the Group is suitably resourced to achieve its strategic aspirations;
- encouraging entrepreneurial leadership by providing a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risk to be assessed and managed;
- ensuring that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the Group to meet its objectives;
- overseeing returns to shareholders and monitoring the share price; and setting and monitoring the Group’s culture, supported by its values, and ensuring alignment with the Company’s purpose and strategy.
Chair and Chief Executive
David Paja, the Group Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for executive management of the Group as a whole. The Group Chief Executive delivers strategic and commercial objectives within the Board’s stated risk appetite, is responsible for health and safety, and builds positive relationships with all the Group’s stakeholders.
He is supported in decision-making by Jackie Callaway, Chief Financial Officer and fellow Executive Director, and by the GET comprised of senior managers (see Management).
Senior Independent Director (‘SID’)
In his role as the SID, Steve Murray provides a ‘sounding board’ for the Chair and serves as an intermediary for the other Directors when necessary. The SID leads the appraisal of the Chair’s performance with the other Non- Executive Directors annually. Steve is available to shareholders if they have concerns which contact through the normal channels of Chair, Group Chief Executive Officer or other Executive Directors have failed to resolve, or for which such contact is inappropriate.