COA: 77.77 GBp
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Prolene Filtration

Prolene Filtration
Range of yarns specifically engineered for the manufacturing of filtration products
Coats Prolene Filtration is a range of yarns specifically engineered for the manufacturing of filtration products.

It has a range that features yarns for use in acid, alkali, solvent or heat resistant applications.

Filters table filtration

Caratteristiche e vantaggi


  • Specially developed to give the optimum performance in their targeted applications
  • ELF (Extremely Low Foam) Yarns – The lowest foaming polypropylene media on the market. This technology closely resembles a pre-washed media
  • Anti-microbial media – Coats has extensive knowledge and performance history with unique anti-microbial solutions
  • Innovative blends – Incorporating different media within the yarn structure for increased performance or better economics

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Information provided above is based on current averages and should be taken only as indicative. Coats accepts no liability for the preciseness and correctness of the information provided.

Product information sheets are updated from time to time, please be sure you are referring to the most recent publication. Coats supports customers with advice on individual applications on request; if you have any questions or concerns, please contattarci.