COA: 77.77 GBp
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Casa • Yarns • Fiberglass Str. Memb. PE Adhesion Gotex FG Ultrabond PE

Fiberglass Str. Memb. PE Adhesion Gotex FG Ultrabond PE

Fiberglass Str. Memb. PE Adhesion Gotex FG Ultrabond PE
Peripheral strength element in fibre optic cables
Coats Gotex FG Ultrabond is a strength member made from E-glass fibres and is primarily used as a peripheral strength element in fibre optic cables.

This flat, flexible fibreglass yarn is comprised of a premium E-glass with adhesive promoter properties to enhance the adhesion of the strength member with the outer jacket of the cable.

Purple fibre optics

Caratteristiche e vantaggi


  • Larghezza e spessore standard e continui
  • Extremely soft coating finishes that do not mark the cable jacket
  • Materie prime di prima qualità
  • Tutto dielettrico
  • Eccellente flessibilità, con perfetto adattamento alla forma del cavo
  • Anri-incendio e anti roditori
  • Nessuna fibra o polvere durante la lavorazione

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