It provides the required strength and protection from heat and flame. FlamePro Ultrastrong has a soft and comfortable touch, making specifically designed FR workwear feel like everyday clothing.
Caratteristiche e vantaggi
- It allows the production of finer yarns and lighter fabrics with better strength and durability
- Superior strength along with protection and comfort
- Exceptional flame protection along with contact and radiant heat resistance
- Design fabrics with FlamePro Ultrastrong to meet EN ISO 11612, EN ISO 11611, EN 13034, EN 11495, and NFPA 2112,NFPA 70e norms
Principali utilizzi
- Police and Firefighter Station Wear Uniforms
- Emergency Wear
- FR Workwear
- Utility and Subcontractor Wear
- Oil Platform and Gas Industries
- Electric Companies Workwear
- Petroleum and Natural Gas Plants
Principali utilizzi
- Police and Firefighter Station Wear Uniforms
- Emergency Wear
- FR Workwear
- Utility and Subcontractor Wear
- Oil Platform and Gas Industries
- Electric Companies Workwear
- Petroleum and Natural Gas Plants
Principali utilizzi
- Police and Firefighter Station Wear Uniforms
- Emergency Wear
- FR Workwear
- Utility and Subcontractor Wear
- Oil Platform and Gas Industries
- Electric Companies Workwear
- Petroleum and Natural Gas Plants
Una famiglia innovativa di filati resistenti alla fiamma, all'arco elettrico e al taglio, ideale per migliorare l'abbigliamento protettivo.
Read moreFlamePro
FlamePro Firestrong
A Flame-resistant yarn is ideal for the fire services uniform market and has exceptional flame protection along with contact and radiant heat resistance.
Read moreFlamePro
FlamePro FLX
Una gamma di filati e tessuti innovativi per dispositivi di protezione individuale, specificamente progettati per essere morbidi, flessibili e confortevoli
Read moreFlamePro
FlamePro Orbit
Coats Orbit engineered yarns show a better pilling resistance, reduced hairiness as well as better moisture transportation properties.
Read moreFlamePro
FlamePro Protect+
Gamma di filati resistenti alla fiamma, all'arco elettrico e agli schizzi di metallo fuso
Read moreDichiarazione Di Limitazione Di Responsabilità
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Information provided above is based on current averages and should be taken only as indicative. Coats accepts no liability for the preciseness and correctness of the information provided.
Product information sheets are updated from time to time, please be sure you are referring to the most recent publication. Coats supports customers with advice on individual applications on request; if you have any questions or concerns, please contattarci.