Coats Armoren Ultralight uses a pioneering new J Spun engineered yarn technology to provide an inherent balance between comfort and protection. Expandable soft stretch fibers completely cover the core to provide dexterity and cool comfort against the skin, while the best in class reinforced core offers a game-changing solution by achieving high cut resistance even at very fine knitting counts.
Caratteristiche e vantaggi
Cool Comfort
- Soft wrap completely covers the core filament
- Extra-soft fibres used. Silky velvet cool touch.
- Gentle feel of ultimate protection
- Laser-fine knits on 18 gg machines
- Enabled by unique fine count core spinning technology
- Nimble glove fingers and agile freedom of movement
- Excellent fingertip sensitivity
Feel the Stretch
- Use of expandable stretch component
- Great elastic recovery. Ultra-flex grip
- Feels like a second skin and a natural hand
Principali utilizzi
Guanti e maniche per le seguenti applicazioni:
- Ispezione del montaggio di merci in metallo leggero
- Piccole parti taglienti e pannelli
- Lavorazione del legno e fissaggio
- Stampaggio ad iniezione della pressa
- Sanificazione, riciclaggio e manutenzione
- Elettronica
Armoren FLX
Coats Armoren FLX è una gamma innovativa di filati per guanti e maniche antitaglio, specificamente progettati per essere morbidi, flessibili e confortevoli.
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Armoren Orbit
Innovative engineered yarns with exceptional cut and thermal resistance
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Armoren Protect+
Gamma di filati resistenti al taglio con una soluzione antimicrobica intrinseca incorporata nel DNA del prodotto
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Armoren Ultracut Gold
Coats Armoren Ultracut Gold offers a game-changing solution by achieving high cut resistance (A8) even at very fine 18gg knitting counts
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Information provided above is based on current averages and should be taken only as indicative. Coats accepts no liability for the preciseness and correctness of the information provided.
Product information sheets are updated from time to time, please be sure you are referring to the most recent publication. Coats supports customers with advice on individual applications on request; if you have any questions or concerns, please contattarci.