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Ecosole 60 moisture-resistant insoles

Ecosole 60

Ecosole 60
Durable, moisture-resistant insole solution with 75% recycled content
Ecosole 60 is an innovative and lightweight insole material that is engineered to elevate footwear to new standards of durability, comfort, and sustainability. Carefully crafted from recycled fibres, Ecosole 60 is a moisture-resistant cellulose insole that is designed to meet the rigorous specifications of Gore-tex®.

Perfect for cement-lasted footwear that is worn in damp or wet conditions for extended periods, Ecosole 60’s binder-reinforced structure ensures durability and resilience. It is ideal for both welted and non-welted designs.

Designed to meet the exacting demands of modern footwear production, Ecosole 60 delivers exceptional comfort for the wearer. Its advanced engineering ensures that it maintains its integrity and performance even under prolonged use, providing a reliable foundation for all types of shoes.

With an impressive 75% recycled content, Ecosole 60 is a sustainable choice for environmentally concious manufacturers and consumers. Available in a range of gauges, Ecosole 60 is produced using computer guided technology to ensure consistent quality and precision in every batch.

Sustainable insole solution from Ecosole 60

Caratteristiche e vantaggi

  • Lightweight with good flex endurance
  • Wax emulsion added to the latex
  • Neutral pH level
  • Protex®️ treated
  • Available in green and natural
  • Water resistant and non-wicking – unaffected by perspiration and resists fungal and bacterial growth

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