COA: 77.77 GBp
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We are the world leader in thread manufacturing and structural components for apparel and footwear, as well as an innovative pioneer in performance materials. Headquartered in the UK, we employ 15,000 employees in over 50 countries around the world.

Coats in sintesi

Latest News

2023 Sustainability Report

Showcasing the first year of delivery against recently set 2023 to 2026 targets with continued strong progress against its overarching Sustainability Strategy launched in 2019.

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2023 Relazione annuale

This report provides our shareholders and other key stakeholders with information about our strategy and business as well as our financial and operating performance during 2023.

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Celebrating Environment Day
Celebrating Environment Day

As we commemorate Environment Day, we take great pride in highlighting our relentless efforts at Coats to protect the environment and promote sustainability.

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International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day

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Zero Emissions Day
Zero Emissions Day

Throughout this year, addressing the climate crisis remains central to our mission. Having secured approval for our near-term Science Based Targets (SBTs) in 2022, a significant milestone, we’ve taken the next step.

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