RP Wave is the latest development in the RHENOPRINT™ product range for toe box reinforcements, addressing the growing demand for sustainable solutions. They are the first toe boxes out of the Rhenoprint range containing recycled content. With the highest recycled content available based on R-TPU, R-acrylic glass and recycled bottle closures as recycling polymers in the RHENOPRINT™ range.
Product Highlights
- Sustainable Materials: Contains 70% recycled content from post-consumer sources such as R-TPU, R-acrylic glass and recycled bottle closures.
- Zero-Waste Production: Designed for a waste-free manufacturing process, RP Wave helps reduce environmental impact from production to final use
- Eco-Friendly Thermoplastic: RP Wave not only ensures sustainability but also maintains medium and hard result of stiffness under high-pressure and high-temperature applications
- Waterproof and Durable: Built to last, RP Wave is waterproof and ideal for sports shoes exposed to challenging environments
- GRS Qualified: RP Wave is Global Recycle Standard certified, a testament to its sustainability credentials
Main Uses
- Sport Shoes
- Running Shoes
- Lifestyle
Main Uses
- Sport Shoes
- Running Shoes
- Lifestyle
Main Uses
- Sport Shoes
- Running Shoes
- Lifestyle
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