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Coats EcoVerde Seamsoft

Coats® EcoVerde™ Seamsoft™

Mantel® EcoVerde SeamLembut
Benang poliester bertekstur mikro-filamen unik 100% daur ulang
Coats EcoVerde SeamLembut is a 100% recycled unique micro filament textured polyester thread that offers exceptional softness and comfort for next-to-skin seams, combined with high productivity.

It provides excellent seam covering properties and extensibility for knitted and stretch fabrics.


Why Choose Coats EcoVerde SeamLembut?

  • Unique full range of four different constructions giving you the best choice for softness
  • Coats EcoVerde Seamsoft 140 (Tex 24) is particularly suitable for use in both needles and loopers, delivering the ultimate softness with one thread choice
  • Low shrinkage characteristics ensure no seam distortion after washing
  • Tingkat tahan luntur warna yang tinggi bahkan dalam kondisi pencucian yang sulit
  • OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100, Product Class I
  • Su producción requiere menos energía que la de los materiales vírgenes, lo que se traduce en menos emisiones de carbono durante la producción
  • Delivers a similar level of performance as the virgin range, whilst offering sustainability benefits
  • Bersertifikat Global Recycled Standard (GRS)


Coats EcoVerde Seamsoft is a recycled microfilament textured polyester sewing thread for next-toskin seams and is designed for use in chainstitch and chainstitch-derived stitch types. The softness of a seam relates to a number of factors including the exact choice of thread in needle and spreader, fabric, sewn seam direction, stitch density and thread tension.

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