COA: 77.77 GBp
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Coats® Gral™ Protect

Mantel® Gral Protect
Benang poliester filamen anti-mikroba tanpa sambungan
Coats Gral Protect sewing thread is treated with an innovative process to give the finished thread anti-microbial properties.

Proses anti-mikroba menciptakan "zona penghambatan" yang mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri dan patogen di sekitar kelim jahitan di mana mikroba suka bersembunyi sehingga celah-celah keliman bersih dan segar.

The added value feature of anti-microbial protection is combined with the excellent sewing characteristics of this superior continuous filament polyester thread. Coats Gral Protect has low friction lubrication designed to withstand the effects of needle heat from sewing all types of leather and various other demanding materials. High breaking strength, suppleness and optimum stretch all help to produce quality seams with good appearance and excellent abrasion resistance.

Enhanced anti-microbial protection of seams can be achieved with Coats Gral Protect in many diverse applications.

Benang Coats Protect memenuhi sejumlah standar uji anti-bakteri dan jamur yang diakui termasuk: AATCC TM90 dan ASTM M90 (aktivitas mikrobiologi), ASTM G21 dan MIL-Std-810G (jamur), EN / ISO 20743 (anti-bakteri) dan akreditasi SEK Blue Label Jepang.


Nilai tahan luntur ini mewakili tingkat kinerja minimum dan dalam praktiknya, mayoritas warna akan melebihi tingkat ini.

Benang jahit dengan teknologi Coats Protect kami, telah diuji agar efektif hingga 100 siklus cucian (per AATCC TM 150). Ini secara efektif berarti kinerja anti-mikroba akan bertahan selama masa pakai produk.