COA: 77.77 GBp
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Coats® Gral™ AWF (Coarse Sizes)

Mantel® Gral AWF (Coarse Sizes)
Benang bebas PFC dengan hasil akhir anti-serap untuk barang-barang luar ruangan dan alas kaki
Coats Gral AWF (Coarse Sizes) for coarse sizes has a specially formulated finish which delivers a high degree of water resistance, making it an excellent choice for outdoor goods, footwear and accessories.

Coats Gral AWF (Coarse Sizes) is made from 100% continuous filament polyester. The PFC-free anti-wick finish inhibits the capillary effect, thereby ensuring that no water is taken up by the thread. When the correct sewing tension is used, the transport of water through the needle hole is prevented.

Its high breaking strength and optimum stretch characteristics produce smooth and attractive seams on leather footwear. In addition, Coats Gral AWF (Coarse Sizes) has a high strength to fineness ratio making very fine seams possible.

Coats Gral AWF (Coarse Sizes) has excellent abrasion resistance delivering flexibility and durability in the seams and is specially lubricated to deliver outstanding sewing performance in the most demanding applications.

Discover how Coats Gral AWF (Coarse Sizes) can enhance the quality of your products. Download our product information sheet or contact one of our experts.


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