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Sportflex soft and flexible toe puff solution


A soft, flexible, and sustainable toe puff solution
Sportflex is a range of extruded material designed to create soft and flexible toes in lightweight footwear and deconstructed athletic shoes. Engineered for exceptional resilience, Sportflex offers outstanding wear and tear resistance, excellent shape retention and a softer feel for enhanced comfort.

Crafted with a blend of the highest quality, renewably sourced content, Sportflex is available in the choice of two options: Sportflex Eco and Sportflex Bio. Eco version is based on post-industrial waste, while the Bio version is based on sugar cane waste. Both options ensure that at least 50% of the materials are sustainably sourced.

Sportflex’s superior comfort, durability and eco-friendly composition make it a standout choice for modern, sustainable footwear design.

Eco-friendly materials in Sportflex footwear

Fitur dan Manfaat

  • Made from a minimum of 50% sustainably sourced material
  • Excellent shape retention
  • Highly resilient to wear and tear
  • Hot-melt adhesive on one surface provides a strong bond
  • Available with a double-coated adhesive backer (Sportflex SR).


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