COA: 82.80 GBp
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Coats RX 1000

RX 1000

RX 1000
Combining innovation, sustainability and superior comfort in one counter solution
RX 1000 stands out as a structural counter solution that is meticulously designed to elevate footwear. Offering enhanced shape and support, this innovative material solution delivers improved sustainability, comfort and fit with every step.

Made from an extruded, self-adhesive thermoplastic material, RX 1000 counters are reinforced by two meshes, providing added structural integrity to ensure long-lasting performance.

The result is flexible to firm back parts that can help ensure an impeccable top-line that will maintain its shape and structure over time.

Crafted from recycled rice husks, RX 1000 boasts an impressive 35-40% recycled content. This sustainable approach benefits the environment while also offering a durable and reliable material solution.

Pakaian kulit

Fitur dan Manfaat

  • Flexible to firm material properties
  • Strong support providing excellent shape retention
  • Loose insertion into a heel counter pocket
  • Pre-lamination to coated linings
  • Self-adhesive material
  • 35 – 40 % sustainable content (depending on thickness and type)
  • Available in various thicknesses


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