This cutting-edge solution is perfect for high-performance sports shoes, offering durability and sustainability without compromise.
RP Flow is a pioneering toe puff reinforcement crafted with the environment standards. It is the first toe box in the RHENOPRINT™ range to feature recycled content, utilizing materials like R-TPU, R-acrylic glass. This innovation meets the highest standards of performance and durability, making it ideal for various shoe types.

Product Highlights
Sustainable Materials: Contains 70% recycled content from post-consumer sources such as R-TPU, R-acrylic glass
Zero-Waste Production: Designed for a waste-free manufacturing process, RP Flow helps reduce environmental impact from production to final use
Eco-friendly Thermoplastic: RP Flow not only ensures sustainability but also maintains stiffness and adaptability, even under high-pressure, high-temperature applications
Waterproof and Durable: Built to last, RP Flow is waterproof and ideal for sports shoes exposed to challenging environments
GRS Qualified: RP Flow is Global Recycle Standard certified, a testament to its sustainability credentials

Kegunaan Utama
- Sepatu Olahraga
- Running Shoes
- Sepatu Gaya Hidup

Kegunaan Utama
- Sepatu Olahraga
- Running Shoes
- Sepatu Gaya Hidup

Kegunaan Utama
- Sepatu Olahraga
- Running Shoes
- Sepatu Gaya Hidup

Kegunaan Utama
- Sepatu Olahraga
- Running Shoes
- Sepatu Gaya Hidup

Kegunaan Utama
- Sepatu Olahraga
- Running Shoes
- Sepatu Gaya Hidup

Kegunaan Utama
- Sepatu Olahraga
- Running Shoes
- Sepatu Gaya Hidup
Sustainability Highlight
RP Flow offers 70% recycled content as the first toe puff in the RHENOPRINT™ range to contain recycled materials, utilizing R-TPU and R-acrylic glass. With its GRS qualification and innovative zero-waste production process, RP Flow not only enhances the performance of sports footwear but also contributes to a more sustainable future for the industry.
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