COA: 82.70 GBp
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Beranda • Structural Components • Rite
Rite structural component


Quality thermoplastic reinforcement for footwear
Rite is a quality yet economical thermoplastic reinforcement material, designed to meet the demands of modern footwear manufacturing. Crafted to deliver a firm and durable back-part, Rite is the ideal choice for heel counter pocket insertion, ensuring that footwear not only looks great, but also stands the test of time.

Perfect for use in a wide range of footwear products, Rite provides reliable support where it’s needed most. Designed for convenience, Rite can be effortlessly slipped into the shoe when cold, helping to streamline footwear production. It is also available with a single-coated adhesive, making it an excellent choice for use as a toe puff reinforcement.

Made from needled, non-woven polyester synthetic fibres and impregnated with a filled styrene co-polymer, Rite ensures excellent shape retention and a firm back-part.

Sports shoes

Fitur dan Manfaat

  • Impregnated stiffener gives firm back parts
  • Excellent shape retention and durability
  • Easy to use
  • Available as a ‘net’ waste-free product


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