COA: 82.70 GBp
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Coats Renotex V

Renotex V

Renotex V
Elevate every step with Renotex V – strong support with unbeatable versatility
Renotex V stands out for its unparalleled versatility. An impregnated, thermoplastic toe puff material, it is renowned for its firm to hard reinforcement properties, which offer unwavering durability and support in a diverse array of footwear applications.

Carefully crafted on a needle punched non-woven base, Renotex V boasts exceptional shape reproduction, ensuring a perfect fit for a variety of footwear products including ladies, men’s, and children’s shoes.

Whether for formal footwear or heavy-duty boots and trekking shoes, Renotex V delivers reliable support and durability across all grades.

A go-to choice for strong performance, this toe puff solution enables Coats’ customers to elevate their shoe designs.

Casual and everyday boots

Fitur dan Manfaat

  • Durable and long-lasting stability
  • Firm to very firm material properties
  • 10-15% recycled content (depending on thickness)
  • Excellent shape retention
  • Long-lasting performance in finished products
  • Available in various thicknesses


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