COA: 83.16 GBp
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Renotex C

Renotex C
An counter solution offering strong support and long-lasting performance
Renotex C is a heel counter solution that is ideal for use in work and safety boots and shoes that require strong structural support. This novel material solution is also popular in other forms of footwear where stability is key including casual boots.

In safety shoes and boots that must provide mission critical protection, Renotex C has the strength to deliver – providing hardworking feet with extra support, hour after hour.

Sturdy counters made from Renotex C can help heels remain securely in place – enhancing wearer satisfaction and footwear longevity.

Renotex C’s durability and excellent shape retention properties stem from its firm to very firm material properties. Crafted on a recycled, needle-punched, non-woven base, Renotex C heel counters are impregnated with EVA adhesive on both sides – making them quick and easy to use, and ensuring a reliable and long-lasting bond.


Fitur dan Manfaat

  • Firm to very firm material properties
  • Offers strong support
  • Excellent shape retention
  • Available in various thickness options
  • 10-15% recycled content (depending on thickness)
  • Long-lasting performance in finished products


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