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Polyflex Thermoplastic Toe Box Material - Image of Polyflex showcasing its soft and elastic design.


Enhanced footwear toe box with unmatched flexibility
Introducing Polyflex, a premium thermoplastic toe box material designed to elevate the quality and durability of footwear. Carefully designed to be soft, elastic and deliver superior performance with every wear, this innovative toe box material ensures footwear not only looks great, but also performs exceptionally well.

This novel toe box material ensures footwear looks great but also performs exceptionally well. Featuring a high performance adhesive on one side, Polyflex delivers a strong bond that means it can be integrated seamlessly into shoe designs alongside other structural components.

Whether you are using the Strobel, the California construction method, or even the AGO style, our toe box material ensures outstanding results every time.

Topped on a sturdy cotton fabric base, Polyflex is highly versatile and ideal for a wide range of footwear types including women’s, men’s and children’s shoes.

Polyflex is available in a variety of thickness options, ranging from 0.60 to 1.00 mm, and with different eco-friendly biobased and renewable content levels for sustainability.

High-Performance Adhesive in Footwear - Close-up of the adhesive side of Polyflex material

Fitur dan Manfaat

  • Thermoplastic composition ensures flexibility and durability
  • Cotton fabric base provides a robust and reliable foundation
  • Soft and elastic material properties
  • One side adhesive / polyester for reliable bonding
  • Solvent-free


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