COA: 82.16 GBp
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Beranda • Insoles • T507
T507: The Economical Cellulose Insole for Fashion Footwear


The economical cellulose insole solution for fashion footwear
T507 is a cost-effective cellulose insole solution designed for string lasted and cement lasted footwear constructions. Perfect for ladies’ high-heel fashion shoes, T507 delivers the firmness and support needed for superior comfort and style.

Made from natural fibres with an elastomeric-bonded construction, T507 is an environmentally friendly choice for shoe manufacturers featuring an average of 39% recycled content.

Offering an economical insole solution without compromising on quality, T507 is an ideal choice for fashion footwear. With computer-guided production, T507 guarantees consistent product quality, ensuring reliability in every insole.

Available in a wide range of gauges, T507 can be tailored to meet the specific needs of various footwear designs.

Natural fibre T507 insoles with elastomeric-bonded construction

Fitur dan Manfaat

  • Natural fibre construction
  • Excellent mould shape retention
  • Lightweight with good flex endurance
  • Wicks perspiration away from the foot and dries quickly after use
  • Average of 39% recycled content


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