COA: 82.16 GBp
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Beranda • Insoles • T460
t460 Insulation for wet conditions


Superior moisture resistant insole solution
T460 is the ultimate insole solution for footwear that needs to withstand damp or wet conditions. Specifically designed for cement lasted and welted footwear, T460 ensures that shoes remain comfortable and durable, even when worn for extended periods of time in challenging conditions.

Ideal for use in cleated and outdoor footwear, T460 is engineered to resist moisture and is unaffected by perspiration. Carefully made from high-grade cellulose, T460 offers unparalleled durability and comfort for the wearer.

Utilising natural fibres that are elastomeric bonded, T460 meets the highest standards of manufacturing and end-use requirements.

Available in a wide range of gauges, T460 is computer guided in production to ensure consistent quality every time.

T460 moisture resistant insole

Fitur dan Manfaat

  • Lightweight with good flex endurance
  • Water resistant and non-wicking
  • Wax emulsion added to the latex to provide excellent mould shape retention
  • Made from natural fibres that are elastomeric bonded
  • Available in a wide range of gauges


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