COA: 82.16 GBp
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Beranda • Insoles • T411
T411A stiffer variant


Premium, anti-static, cellulose insole solution
T411 is the pinnacle of insole technology, meticulously engineered to provide exceptional comfort and safety for footwear. Designed with high-quality cellulose, this premium insole solution is perfect for both cement-lasted and welted shoe constructions, offering unmatched versatility for various footwear applications.

T411 is not just an insole; it’s a commitment to quality and safety. Its natural fibre construction combined with elastomeric bonding results in a durable, high-performance insole that stands up to the rigors of daily wear. The anti-static properties make it a crucial component in safety footwear, protecting the wearer in various environments.

T411 is available in a stiffer variant ( T411A) as well as a conductive option (T411AC) to meet specific requirements. Its precision-engineered production process guarantees consistent quality, ensuring each insole meets the highest standards.


Fitur dan Manfaat

  • Good flex endurance
  • Natural fibre construction
  • Lightweight and anti-static material
  • No sock liner required
  • No auxiliary treatment necessary
  • Wicks perspiration away from the foot and dries quickly after use


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