COA: 77.77 GBp
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Beranda • Pusat Informasi • Differentiating Metamerism and Illuminants



Produksi pakaian merupakan sebuah proses yang rumit di mana barang jadi merupakan campuran berbagai bahan. Warna yang cocok dengan semua bahan ini penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen akhir.

Rantai pasokan terdiri dari berbagai tahapan yang berbeda dan sementara pakaian mungkin melewati pencocokan warna pada satu tahap sebaran, kemungkinan terdapat perbedaan warna yang diamati pada tahap yang lain. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena kondisi metamerisme.

Buletin tehnik ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana Anda dapat mengurangi efek metamerisme dengan menggunakan iluminan standar dan kabinet pencocokan warna untuk menilai warna.

Apa itu metamerisme??

Metamerism adalah penjelasan ilmiah dari fenomena warna yang umum di mana dua sampel warna yang ada dicocokkan di bawah satu sumber cahaya, kemudian tidak cocok lagi bila dilihat di bawah sumber cahaya lainnya. Metamerisme hanya bisa terjadi ketika membandingkan dua objek; warna dari dua objek cocok dalam satu set kondisi tetapi tidak dalam set kondisi lainnya.

Contoh Metamerisme

Faktor dalam metamerisme yang sering membingungkan adalah warna yang konstan / tidak konstan. The colour of an object will appear to vary depending on the light source which is used to illuminate it. For example, you park your Terang red car at the roadside in Siang hari. Darkness falls and although you would still say you have a red car it may well appear to be brown under sodium lighting. Fenomena ini dikenal sebagai warna yang tidak konstan.

Contoh Warna yang Tidak Konstan

Jenis-Jenis Metarisme

Metamerism is the differing effects upon the colours of two objects when compared under various viewing conditions. Several Jenis-Jenis Metarisme exist:

  • Illuminant Metamerism occurs when two objects match under a certain light source to a certain observer, but do not match under a different light source to the same observer
  • Observer Metamerism is caused by a difference in colour vision between observers; it is highly subjective and cannot always be avoided. However by proper selection and training of colourists the risk can be reduced
  • Geometric Metamerism can be controlled by viewing the samples at the same distance from the observer and at the same (45 degree) angle to the light source

Beberapa bagian berikut ini akan menjelaskan iluminan dimaksud.

Pentingnya Cahaya dalam Metarisme

The energy of the light source used by the observer to view products is the most important factor affecting their appearance and in assessing the effect of metamerism. The two major factors that influence what we see are:

  1. Jumlah dan kualitas cahaya yang menerangi suatu objek
  2. Warna latar belakang terhadap mana suatu objek dilihat

Pandangan visual yang akurat tergantung pada sumber cahaya yang merupakan sumber 'terkendali', di mana ciri-ciri dan kualitas warna ditetapkan seperti dalam kabinet pencocokan standar.

Apa itu iluminan??

An illuminant is a theoretical source of visible light with a profile which is published. In general, the illuminant values are a measurement of the spectral energy distribution of an artificial temperature radiator that radiates heat with a specific colour at the defined temperatures of the light source, unit [K].

Apa perbedaan antara sumber cahaya dengan iluminan??

  • Iluminan memiliki nilai standar yang tidak pernah berubah, sedangkan energi sumber cahaya dapat berubah
  • Sebuah sumber cahaya merupakan penyebar penyinaran seperti lilin, lampu pijar tungsten dan siang hari alami, sedangkan iluminan merupakan gambaran teoritis sumber cahaya tersebut
  • Semua sumber cahaya dapat ditentukan sebagai iluminan, tetapi tidak semua iluminan dapat diwujudkan secara fisik sebagai sumber cahaya

Berbagai iluminan Industri

Coats Admiral Product Range
Penetapan Iluminan Jenis Lampu Suhu Kerja CRI (Colour Rendering Index) Penggunaan / Jenis Penerangan
 CIE Standard Illuminant A (INCA-A) Halogen tungsten 2856ºK 100 Lampu pijar atau tungsten, umumnya terdapat di lingkungan rumah
 Iluminan Standar CIE D65 Phosphor Neon siang hari 6500ºK 93 Paling umum digunakan iluminan yang rata-rata mirip langit utara siang hari
 Iluminan neon TL84 Neon komersial Eropa 4100ºK 85 Neon gelombang sempit yang menirukan pencahayaan untuk kantor atau toko; umumnya digunakan oleh banyak pedagang dan peritel
 Illuminant CWF (Sejuk White Fluorescent) Neon komersial AS 4150ºK 62 Lampu neon putih sejuk, umumnya terdapat di lingkungan kantor
 Iluminan UV Ultra-violet N/A N/A  Memperlihatkan adanya warna neon dan pencerah optik
 Iluminan D50 Phosphor Neon siang hari 5000ºK 92 Mirip 'horizon' siang hari; Ini merupakan referensi bagi industri pencetakan dan seni grafis
 Iluminan D75 Phosphor Neon siang hari 7500ºK 94 Used to evaluate opaque materials, resembles northern sky Siang hari at noon
 Iluminan U30 Neon komersial AS 3000ºK 85 Lampu neon gelombang sempit komersial
 Mercury Vapour Intensitas tinggi 4100ºK 75 Umumnya digunakan di toko dan pabrik
 Natrium Tekanan Tinggi Intensitas tinggi 2100ºK 50 Umumnya digunakan di jalan raya dan pabrik

Note: CRI (Colour Rendering Index) is defined as the ability of the illuminant to render colours as they would appear under true Siang hari. An index of 100 represents a perfect simulation of Siang hari.

Varian Lampu Neon:

  • CW – Standard Sejuk White
  • WW – Standard Hangat White
  • CWX – Deluxe Sejuk White
  • WWX – Deluxe Warm White
  • ES – Energy Saving
  • HO – High Output


Suhu Warna

Suhu Warna is a method for describing certain colour characteristics of light sources. It is a reference number that quantifies the appearance of light. The terms ‘Hangat’ and ‘Sejuk’ in lighting refer to subjective experiences, such as a Hangat flame or a Sejuk winter sky.

Sumber Cahaya Sejuk dan Hangat

Light sources that have higher Suhu Warnas are 'Sejuk' light sources, while those that have lower Suhu Warnas are 'Hangat' light sources.

Aplikasi of Suhu Warna

Coats Admiral Product Range
Suhu Warna Kelvin Range Associated Effects & Moods Lokasi yang Sesuai Aplikasi
 Hangat 3,000K Ramah Intim
Eksklusif pribadi
Restoran Restoran Hotel Lobbies, Boutiques, Lingkungan Kantor, Libraries
 Netral 3,500K Ramah Memikat
Tanpa ancaman
Penerimaan Publik Lingkungan Kantor, Showrooms, Book Stores
 Sejuk 4,100K Rapi Bersih
Lingkungan Kantor Ruang Konferensi, Ruang kelas, Toko ritel, Rumah Sakit
 Siang hari 5,000K to 6,500K Terang Waspada
Pewarnaan yang tepat
Galeri Museum, Stan Pencocokan Warna, Toko Perhiasan, Lingkungan Pemeriksaan Medis, Industri Tekstil, Perusahaan Pencetakan

Dampak Kecerahan dan Posisi Sumber Cahaya

The brightness of illumination affects the apparent purity of colours and the amount of detail visible in shadows. In general, the brighter the illumination, the more saturated colours appear and the greater the amount of detail that may be seen in shadow. The geometry of the illumination also affects the parent colour and contrasts of a product. Whether the illumination is coming from a small source or a large diffused one, the angle at which the light strikes the objects and angle of view all affect appearance.

Restaurant lighting

Penggunaan Kabinet yang Sesuai

A matching cabinet is the standard equipment for the visual assessment of colour and they are best used for colour appraisal with the below parameters:

Colour matching


Coats Admiral Product Range
Width Height Depth
 Overall Area 1,560 mm 780 mm 620 mm
 Viewing Cavity 1,520 mm 560 mm 590 mm


Cabinet Interior

  • The cabinet interior should be a neutral, grey colour e.g. Munsell Grey N5
  • For best results, glare, extraneous lights and anything which will mal-adapt the visual response must be avoided
  • Any windows near the cabinet should be fitted with grey blinds
  • No direct lights should be in the field of view and the general lighting in the vicinity should be ‘Artificial Daylight’ to a level of 200 to 300 lux
  • The wall area behind the cabinet should be finished in light grey emulsion e.g. BS00A01

Viewing Backgrounds

  • The shade matching cabinet utilises neutral grey surroundings to accommodate the widest range of colours

Viewing Distance

  • The distance of the Colour Matcher to the samples being viewed should also be constant regardless of the colour of the samples. The samples should ideally be viewed at a 45º angle of incidence to the light source.

Mengurangi Efek Metamerisme

We have seen that metamerism and illuminants are important considerations in controlling and assessing colour in the manufacturing process of any coloured object. In textiles it is therefore important to use consistent quality dyestuff and to consider and use the appropriate illuminants and conditions in matching colour.

Please contact your local Sales Office to find out more about metamerism and illuminants.

Dampak Kecerahan dan Posisi Sumber Cahaya

The brightness of illumination affects the apparent purity of colours and the amount of detail visible in shadows. In general, the brighter the illumination, the more saturated colours appear and the greater the amount of detail that may be seen in shadow. The geometry of the illumination also affects the parent colour and contrasts of a product. Whether the illumination is coming from a small source or a large diffused one, the angle at which the light strikes the objects and angle of view all affect appearance.

Penggunaan Kabinet yang Sesuai

A matching cabinet is the standard equipment for the visual assessment of colour and they are best used for colour appraisal with the below parameters:


Coats Admiral Product Range
Width Height Depth
 Overall Area 1,560 mm 780 mm 620 mm
 Viewing Cavity 1,520 mm 560 mm 590 mm


Cabinet Interior

  • The cabinet interior should be a neutral, grey colour e.g. Munsell Grey N5
  • For best results, glare, extraneous lights and anything which will mal-adapt the visual response must be avoided
  • Any windows near the cabinet should be fitted with grey blinds
  • No direct lights should be in the field of view and the general lighting in the vicinity should be ‘Artificial Daylight’ to a level of 200 to 300 lux
  • The wall area behind the cabinet should be finished in light grey emulsion e.g. BS00A01

Viewing Backgrounds

  • The shade matching cabinet utilises neutral grey surroundings to accommodate the widest range of colours

Viewing Distance

  • The distance of the Colour Matcher to the samples being viewed should also be constant regardless of the colour of the samples. The samples should ideally be viewed at a 45º angle of incidence to the light source.

Mengurangi Efek Metamerisme

We have seen that metamerism and illuminants are important considerations in controlling and assessing colour in the manufacturing process of any coloured object. In textiles it is therefore important to use consistent quality dyestuff and to consider and use the appropriate illuminants and conditions in matching colour.

Please contact your local Sales Office to find out more about metamerism and illuminants.