Coats provides value-adding products including apparel, accessory and footwear threads, structural footwear components, fabrics, yarns and software applications.
Coats provides value-adding products including apparel, accessory and footwear threads, structural footwear components, fabrics, yarns and software applications.
Continued momentum with double-digit sales growth – trading in line with expectations
We have announced our trading update for the period 1 July to 31 October 2024.
A sewing thread made from 100% sustainable cotton and environmentally compliant dyes and chemicals.
Completely free of harmful substances, with cotton grown without pesticides, it is an eco-friendly solution for sewing beautiful, lustrous seams on a wide range of products.
Teknologi pelapisan serat revolusioner yang menggunakan bahan baku ramah lingkungan seperti karbon daur ulang, serat basal, atau termoplastik untuk keberlanjutan yang tak terkalahkan dalam pakaian olahraga dan alas kaki keselamatan.
Teknologi ini memungkinkan penempatan benang ke tempat dan arah yang tepat pada desain Anda, untuk mengontrol ketebalan, kelenturan, torsi, dan kekakuan melalui kaki depan, kaki tengah, dan kaki belakang, sehingga menciptakan alas kaki dan penutup jari kaki yang meningkatkan pengalaman pemakainya.
A 100% premium quality staple spun organic cotton string that has been developed with sustainability in mind.
Bahan baku kami dicari dengan hati-hati untuk tali kantong teh ramah lingkungan yang disertifikasi dan meningkatkan kualitas produk akhir Anda.
Sustainability is woven into our DNA, is a core tenet of our Group business strategy and embedded within our Apparel, Performance Materials and Footwear Divisions.
We set new ambitious sustainability targets for delivery across the 2023-2026 time horizon.
Sustainability is woven into our DNA, is a core tenet of our Group business strategy and embedded within our Apparel, Performance Materials and Footwear Divisions.
Coats Group plc proudly presents ‘Threads of Change’ an insightful documentary created by BNP Paribas and award-winning filmmaker Director Craig Leeson, in collaboration with Coats.