COA: 77.77 GBp
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Beranda • Industries • Performance Threads
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Factory overlay
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UV Resistance and Sewing Threads

UV light can affect a sewing threads integrity; understand how and what can be done to minimise UV degradation.

Factory overlay
Cotton for tea bag threads

A tea break is always welcome, but a break in production of tea bags due to poor quality thread is quite another thing.

Factory overlay
Alat Olah Raga

High performance threads delivers safety in sewn components

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We specialize in high-tech performance threads design and supply globally

Household Household and Recreation
Other Other Industrial Applications

Coats ahli dalam mendesain dan memasok beragam produk yang melayani berbagai pasar pengguna akhir yang strategis.

Coats® EcoVerde™ Dabond™
Coats® EcoVerde™ Dabond™
A recycled bonded polyester thread, specifically designed for non-outdoor applications such as bedding and quilting.
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Helios P
Helios P
Benang PTFE terkuat di pasaran yang memberikan resistansi terhadap bahan kimia, panas, dan UV yang sangat baik untuk produk-produk yang terpapar oleh kondisi cuaca yang keras.
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Benang jahit polipropilena yang tahan terhadap asam, alkali, pelarut dan hidrolisis hingga 90 °C dan sangat cocok untuk filter jahit dan kantung industri.
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Benang poliester berlapis PVC yang dapat berfungsi di lingkungan ekstrem
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Swellable Yarn Ultrabloc SY
Swellable Yarn Ultrabloc SY
Coats Ultrabloc SY is a water-swellable polymer yarn that can resist salt and sea water, and withstand extreme temperatures.
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Coats® Admiral™ FH Vie
Coats® Admiral™ FH Vie
A 100% organic cotton anti-wick tampon withdrawal cord made in a clean room environment to provide protection against bio-organisms, and is designed to meet stringent health and safety guidelines.
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Coats® EcoVerde™ Connect™
Coats® EcoVerde™ Connect™
A sustainable, GRS approved, high strength hook and loop fastener made with recycled pre-consumer polyamide (nylon).
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Signal Lucence PRO
Signal Lucence PRO
A range of high performance sew-on tapes, which offers the option to combine three technologies.
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Coats® EcoVerde™ Signal™
Coats® EcoVerde™ Signal™
The world’s first sustainable reflective tape is impossible to ignore.
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Synergex™ Technology is a method of commingling dissimilar fibres for final property optimisation to produce a specific product requirement.
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Pusat Informasi

Coats technical bulletins provide expertise and are packed with technical insight and knowledge; these are a must read for high-tech products manufacturers who are serious about excellent product quality, high levels of productivity and reducing excess costs.


We offer a wide range of tools and value-added services to help our customers.

Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan

Select a topic below to see related 'Frequently Asked Questions'. If you don’t find the answers you're looking for, use our contact form to e-mail your information request to the appropriate Coats contact.

  1. Periksa apakah sepatu jahit memiliki tekanan yang cukup pada kain agar dapat bergerak maju.
  2. Periksa dan bersihkan gigi penarik kain dari semua sisa serat kain yang mungkin menumpuk.
  3. Periksa dan sesuaikan ketinggian gigi penarik kain.
  4. Periksa pengatur jarak antar setikan apakah disetel nol.
  5. Periksa tegangan benang apakah longgar dan mungkin benang menghambat bagian bawah sepatu jahit.
  6. Periksa apakah plat jarum telah terpasang dengan kencang.

Coats tidak menyarankan penambahan bahan pelumas / silikon jenis apa pun pada benang. Warna benang bisa berubah dan hal tersebut juga dapat menimbulkan banyak gesekan dan noda-noda minyak. Silikon teratom juga dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan jika terhirup oleh operator/petugas mesin.

Penyerapan warna tergantung pada banyak parameter seperti misalnya jenis, mutu, proses akhir kain katun, dll. Setiap perbedaan dalam parameter-parameter antara kain dan benang akan menyebabkan perbedaan sapuan warna.

Untuk meningkatkan elongasi jahitan, jumlah setikan per cm atau inci dapat ditingkatkan, tekanan pada kain juga ditingkatkan, tegangan jarum/looper pada jahitan dikurangi atau jenis benang yang digunakan diganti.