COA: 77.77 GBp
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Mengapa rel/gigi resliting tetap terbuka di belakang kepala resliting?

Ujung pangkal seharusnya diamankan dengan jahitan mundur untuk mencegah tekanan langsung pada resliting. Jika jahitan mundur sudah ada namun masih terjadi kerusakan, periksa produk garmennya. Coba pakaikan produk garmen pada manekin untuk melihat kemungkinan penyebab kerusakan.

Apa itu resliting tak terlihat?

Invisible zips, sometimes refered to as concealed zips, have a fold in the tape behind the sewn coil area so they can be sewn with a special sewing foot to give a hidden / invisible appearance to the teeth. The teeth are hidden from view. See Choosing the right zip and Do’s and Don’ts for […]

Hal lain apa yang penting untuk resliting?

The top and bottom tape end extensions (see Zip Component Descriptions) can be important for positioning the zip in the application. This may vary from one zip company to another so it is important to check the Product Data Sheet for this property when making a change. The Chain width also denotes the size of […]