Mengapa resliting melengkung/menggelembung sesudah dipasang?
Periksa apakah tegangan jahit di kedua sisi rel sama. Jika hal ini hanya terjadi sesudah resliting ditekan, periksa apakah terdapat bagian kain yang mengerut atau jika terdapat kain lapisan.
Mengapa warna kepala resliting atau pita pada bagian tengah depan resliting berbeda dari resliting saku?
If both zips are provided by Coats Opti they should match within a dE value of 1.2 in the specified light source. It maybe possible to see such differences but they should be within commercial tolerance. Check correct specified light source is being used and if there is still a concern refer to your Coats […]
Mengapa resliting melengkung/menggelembung sesudah ditekan?
Spiral/coil zips have an S twist and Z twist in the teeth creating a “smile” or “frown” appearance when the teeth are joined. The left and right teeth should be both in the same direction/condition. If this is not the problem check the sewing tension is equal on both sides of the zip. Also check […]