COA: 77.77 GBp
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Coats Aptan AWF Thread

Aptan AWF

Lubricated nylon thread made from pre-stabilised continuous filament nylon 6.6
Coats Aptan AWF is a lubricated nylon thread made from pre-stabilised continuous filament nylon 6.6 and is suitable for garment dye programmes with nylon fabrics.

The specially formulated PFC-free anti-wick finish inhibits the capillary effect, thereby ensuring that no water is taken up by the thread. This leading development is one of the many positive actions taken by Coats to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and safety.

Aptan AWF is an ideal thread to use on heavy footwear and outdoor applications such as awning and tent sewing. It has controlled stretch characteristics and a soft, low friction finish, which reduces the effects of needle heat and offers excellent abrasion resistance.

Compared with the typical apparel sewing threads made from polyester, Aptan AWF has higher strength and slightly higher elongation properties.

Offers excellent friction


  • Lapisan akhir anti-keringat bebas PFC mencegah aksi kapiler masuknya air melalui benang di dalam jahitan
  • Lapisan akhir yang diformulasikan secara khusus untuk memberikan tingkat ketahanan yang tinggi terhadap air
  • Coats Aptan AWF 6.6 nylon is 30% stronger than ordinary nylon 6.0 thread. The higher strength to fineness ratio makes very fine seams possible in footwear and other applications
  • Treated with specially formulated lubricant, Coats Aptan AWF offers excellent frictional characteristics during high speed sewing operations
  • Karakteristik peregangan yang terkendali untuk formasi loop yang baik dan jahitan yang kencang, kuat, dan seimbang
  • Excellent loop formation, consistent stitch formation and neat seam appearance


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