COA: 77.77 GBp
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Beranda • Benang • Mantel® Gral

Coats® Gral™

Mantel® Gral
Produces attractive, fine seams on leather applications
Coats Gral is a lubricated polyester thread made from pre-stabilised high tenacity continuous filament polyester.

Its higher breaking strength and optimum stretch characteristics produces attractive, fine seams on leather footwear and leather goods. Coats Gral is an excellent sewing thread for all types of leather and has very good abrasion resistance.

The soft finish with superior low friction lubrication reduces the effects of needle heat and abrasion. Coats Gral exhibits excellent loop formation, consistent stitch formation and gives you a neat seam appearance.

Coats Gral is certified to STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®, CLASS I and meets our Coats restricted substance list.


Coats Gral AWF and Coats Gral AST products are typically available across the complete range of ticket sizes. The technical information, i.e. dtex/ply, strength, elongation values and needle size recommendations are the same as for standard Coats Gral products.

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