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Home • Management • David Gosnell OBE
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Appointed as a Non-Executive Director on 2 March 2015, Chair of the Board since 19 May 2021


Member of Nomination Committee
Member of Sustainability Committee

Key skills and experience

  • Strong and deep supply and procurement background in global multinational companies
  • International and strategic mindset

External appointments

Was previously Chair of Old Bushmills Distillery Company Ltd and a Non-Executive Director of Brambles Ltd. David retired from Diageo plc in 2014 where he had most recently held the role of President of Global Supply and Procurement. Prior to joining Diageo, David spent 25 years at HJ Heinz in various operational roles.


David is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Middlesex University. He has completed Supply Chain Manufacturing – Drive Operational Excellence at INSEAD (Singapore).