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Board composition

The Board of Coats Group plc comprises of nine Directors, discover who they are and what they do.

The Board of Coats Group plc is appointed in line with the Board’s Diversity Policy and comprises of the following Directors:

The names of the Directors, together with their biographical details, are set out on the Management page.

David Gosnell is considered an independent Chair, and all of the Non-Executive Directors are deemed to be independent in accordance with the criteria set out in the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code.
The Chair and the Non-Executive Directors are not employees of the Company but the Company does pay them under deduction of tax where appropriate.

In line with best practice, all of the Directors of Coats Group plc will stand for re-election on an annual basis. The Board and its Committees, in line with the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, conduct annual effectiveness reviews. In 2022 these were conducted by way of an external review (further details available in the Corporate Governance Report section of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2023.

Following consideration of the results of these effectiveness reviews, it was concluded that the Board and its Committees were performing effectively and that the balance of skill, experience, diversity, independence and knowledge of the Group were sufficient to enable the Directors to discharge their respective duties and responsibilities effectively and that the Board had a sufficient balance of diversity.