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Coats S EcoVerde

Coats S EcoVerde
Recycled polyester zips for garments made from recycled polyester fabrics
Opti S EcoVerde recycled polyester zips are produced using the unique 'S'-technology and are made from recycled plastic (PET) bottle flakes.

They are also for use in the manufacture of garments made from recycled polyester fabrics.

Used bottles are collected from consumers, washed, sorted and ground into flakes. The flake is then depolymerized back into its original components (EG and PTA), and converted into new polyester raw material. This can be used to replace traditional polyester chips which are derived from oil. The recycled raw material is then extruded, drawn and texturized to become the filament yarn from which EcoVerde recycled polyester zips are made.

Discover more about Opti S EcoVerde. Download our product datasheets or contact one of our experts.

Available types

  Close end Open End Zip Two Way Open End TWCE O-form TWCE X-form Continuous chain
  Close End Open End Two Way Open End TWCE O-form TWCE X-form Continuous Chain
S40 EcoVerde Available
S60 EcoVerde Available Available Available Available


Prior to bulk production, Coats Opti recommends that tests and trials are carried out on all zip uses/applications in order to verify that the product meets end customer requirements and the demands of internal processing conditions. Coats Opti supports customers with advice on individual applications on request; if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.