Web Based Application (WBA) of Coats Colour Express was developed to ensure the accurate sample and fast delivery to our customers. You can now place the sample orders online and track the status anytime.
What you can do with WBA
With the WBA, you can:
- Maintain your profile and edit information whenever necessary
- Request our Field Colour Experts or sales representatives by fixing an appointment with them
- Enter your sample order in real time
- Submit your feedback to Coats
Go to in your browser.
You will see the login page as shown below. You need to be registered by Coats Team and provided with a User name & Password. Enter these to login.
(It cannot be created by users on their own and they need to connect with local Coats unit to get this done)
Now you are able to view the opening screen as shown below. Opening screen will be the home page.
You can place the sample order request on behalf of any user. Click on the menu “ORDER – ORDER SAMPLES” from the menu bar.
You can change your first name, last name, password or mobile number in your profile page.
Please click on your user name at the top right hand corner of the screen as shown below:
Click on your username. You will get the below screen where you can edit your details and click the update button.
You can then choose your language preference in here. Only English and Chinese languages are available at the moment. You can also change your language preference in the top right hand corner.
The example shown below is the page in Chinese:
Click “OK”. You will see the time and date updated in the field as below.
Order Processing
Orden de Muestras
Aparecerá una ventana de inmediato mostrando el nombre de su compañía y su nombre. Click en el botón Enviar para ir a la siguiente pantalla del proceso de orden de muestras.
It will show a prompt window containing your company name and your name. Click on the submit button to go to next screen to process the thread sample request.
This will be the resulting screen (create order screen):
- This section will be auto populated from the Coats database. You may change the values of ‘Business principal’ & ‘Party No’ if needed
- You can change the light source in the order entry. The default setting is still based on the business principal masters
- Here you need to enter / select relevant values to process the ‘Sample thread requirement’:
1. Article (Optional)
2. Brand (Mandatory)
3. Ticket (Mandatory)
4. Shade code (If the shade is known; if the shade is not known, please leave it blank)
5. Cop / Cone / Vicone (Mandatory)
6. For Colour Matching / Sewing (Mandatory)
7. Type of end product (Mandatory)
8. Requirements (Mandatory; if no requirement, please enter N/A)
9. Customer Reference (Mandatory; if no reference, please enter N/A) Note: This information will appear on the Delivery Notes
10. Quantity (Mandatory)
- Others:
1. The above particular entry belongs to line items (i.e. 10 and 20)
2. You can click on “Add another Line Item” button to make multiple line order. Numbering is automated and you cannot change it. (Example: 10, 20, 30 etc)
3. You can add up to max 12 line item per order
4. If you create three line items and submit, then all these line items will be provided with the 8-digit order number and sent to COATS
5. You can also choose “Pend Order” to save to the draft list and submit after sometime whenever required
6. Later you can view those orders in the “Draft List” and submit (see section 7.2)
7. The requestor and the customer will receive a SMS with the order number after submitting the order. Coats FCE will contact you very soon after submission of the order
Order Draft
As discussed in the previous section, you can view the drafted orders in the menu ORDER – DRAFT ORDERS.
As a result you can see the below shown page with the drafted orders.
Note: You can also Edit / View & Cancel the order by clicking on the icons.
Outstanding Orders
Click on the menu ORDER – OUTSTANDING ORDERS as shown below to see all the outstanding orders made by you.
As a result you can see the below shown page of outstanding orders made by the users. Order stage column will indicate the present stage of order under process. You can click on the view icon to see the order in detail.
If you click on the view icon then you can see the particular order in detail as shown below. Press Esc key / the close menu to go back to the outstanding orders list page.
Entering Customer Feedback
Click on the menu ORDER – FEEDBACK to make a feedback on the received order on behalf of any user.
You will get the below screen and you need to mention the order number so that the corresponding line item will be populated in the line item dropdown. Now you can select the particular line item no to give feedback on the sample received.
You can click “Yes” and “Save” for the question “ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THE SAMPLE SHADES PROVIDED?” if you are satisfied, click “Yes”; otherwise click “No”.
You will be provided with additional two questions when you click “No”.
- DO YOU REQUIRE A REMATCH? If you need a rematch then please click on the “Yes” otherwise click “No”
- REJECTION REASON Select the exact rejection reason from the screen. Rejection Reasons are listed below:
1. Different Hue
2. Metamerism
3. Too Light
4. Too Full
5. Too Bright
6. Too Dull
7. Delivery is too late
8. Others
You can also mention any additional comments in the description box for selected reason. Then click Save to confirm your feedback.
This is shown in the below screen.
Feedback Awaiting
Click on the menu ORDER – FEEDBACK AWAITING to view the orders those are awaiting the feedback.
You can see the below screen of orders those are awaiting the feedback.
If you need to give feedback as accepted for multiple orders select accept check box with which line items you need to accept and press save. Now the details are saved.
Please visit Coats Colour Express or contact your local Sales Office to find out more.