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Functional yarns for sports activewear

CoatsKnit Fashion

Supports stylish activewear garments

Activewear should be designed to meet the requirements of multiple applications, such as exercise and social engagements.

At Coats, we have developed a range of engineered yarns to help facilitate the creation of activewear which performs to this standard.

CoatsKnit Functional Yarn

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CoatsKnit Ultra


Thanks to its high-sheen cross-filament construction, CoatsKnit Ultra reflects light more effectively once knitted into fabric and delivers world class colour quality.

Features & Benefits

  • Bright colour appearance
  • 100% natural inorganic minerals, safe and skin-friendly


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CoatsKnit AirDry


This drawn textured filament yarn incorporates a fibre cross section and groove core structure, which helps to absorb sweat from the surface of the skin and expel it.

Features & Benefits

  • Benefit from enhanced breathability and moisture management
  • Provides a lightweight feeling


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