In the context of ADSS cables, high modulus strength members have been the standard choice due to their outstanding mechanical and physical properties. However, the search for an alternative has come to an end.
StremX is an innovative product with outstanding tensile modulus and tensile strength, as well as excellent temperature and corrosion resistance. We have developed three variations of StremX: StremX HM, StremX UHM, and Stremx HY . StremX product range offers different options in tensile modules and optional water blocking coatings to accomplish your specific needs in the telecommunication cable designs.
StremX presents excellent processability with current cable production equipment, has superior Fire Resistance, is All-Dielectric, UV resistant and Rodent-Proof.

Eigenschaften und Vorteile
- The strand tensile modulus of Gotex StremX HM is up to 15% higher in comparison with Gotex standard fibre glass yarn obtaining similar values as standard modulus aramid yarn
- The strand tensile strength of Gotex StremX HM is up to 15% higher than Gotex standard fibre glass yarn
- The strand tensile modulus of Gotex StremX UHM is up to 25% higher in comparison with Gotex standard fibre glass yarn obtaining the similar values as high modulus aramid yarn
- The strand tensile strength of Gotex StremX UHM is up to 35% higher than Gotex standard fibre glass yarn
- Outstanding flexibility; it has excellent high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, providing excellent adaptability in a variety of harsh environments
- The impact resistance and fatigue resistance of Gotex StremX has been greatly improved in comparison with Gotex standard fibre glass yarn, providing increased reliability,longer service life and lower maintenance costs
- Fire and rodent proof, all dielectric and offers high flexibility with perfect adaptation to cable cross sections
- High swelling properties and fast swelling speeds in the StremX UBC versions

- Outdoor cables
- Buried cables
- Aerial cables
- Fibre optic cables:
- Strength Member
- Rodent Protection
- Water protection

- Outdoor cables
- Buried cables
- Aerial cables
- Fibre optic cables:
- Strength Member
- Rodent Protection
- Water protection

- Outdoor cables
- Buried cables
- Aerial cables
- Fibre optic cables:
- Strength Member
- Rodent Protection
- Water protection

- Outdoor cables
- Buried cables
- Aerial cables
- Fibre optic cables:
- Strength Member
- Rodent Protection
- Water protection

- Outdoor cables
- Buried cables
- Aerial cables
- Fibre optic cables:
- Strength Member
- Rodent Protection
- Water protection

Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FG L
This flexible, lightweight, coated fibreglass strength member yarn used in fibre optic cable, which also prevents rodent damage.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FG PU
Entdecken Sie Gotex FG PU, ein beschichtetes Glasfaser-Garn, das Fibre-Optik-Kabel verstärkt und vor Wasser- und Nagetierschäden schützt.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FGU L
Lightweight and flexible fibreglass yarn with a water-absorbent coating. It is engineered to strengthen fibre optic cables and block water from reaching the cable core.
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Fiberglass Str. Memb. PE Adhesion Gotex FG Ultrabond PE
Strength member made from E-glass fibres and is primarily used as a peripheral strength element in fibre optic cables
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Fiberglass Strength Member Anti-wick Gotex FG AW
Ein Festigkeitsträger aus E-Glasfasern, der vor allem als peripheres Widerstandselement in Lichtwellenleitern eingesetzt wird.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FG
This lightweight fibreglass yarn is used to reduce wear and tear of fibre optic cables, as well as protecting against damage from gnawing rodents and fire damage.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FG SL
Entdecken Sie Gotex FG PU, ein beschichtetes Glasfaser-Garn, das Fibre-Optik-Kabel verstärkt und vor Wasser- und Nagetierschäden schützt.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FGU
Super light and flexible fibreglass yarn with a waterabsorbent coating.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FGU PU
This fibreglass yarn is treated with a water-absorbent coating that helps to strengthen and protect fibre optic cables from water damage.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FGU SL
Gotex FGU SL is a super light and flexible fibreglass yarn with a water-absorbent coating.
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Gotex CMT
A ceramic tape that is manufactured with a reinforced glass fabric as base material.
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Gotex FG UBC L
Gotex FG UBC L is a lightweight and flexible yarn used to strengthen optical fibre cables that need extra water protection.
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This fibreglass yarn is treated with a water-absorbent coating that helps to strengthen and protect fibre optic cables from water damage.
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Gotex FG UBC SL is a fibreglass yarn with a super lightweight, absorbent coating, used to strengthen fibre optic cables that need extra water protection.
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Gotex FRP Ultrabloc
Dielectric strength member composite with excellent water swellable properties.
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Gotex FRP Ultrabond
Non-metallic dielectric strength member coated with EAA (Ethylene Acrylic Acid) to promote adhesion to upjacket substrates.
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Gotex MCT
This band-shaped electrical and thermal insulation material, consists of high heat-resistant mica bonded to supporting materials of non-alkaline glass fibre fabric or polyethylene film, impregnated with high temperature resistant silicone resin.
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Strength Member Gotex StremX HY
A new generation of high performance yarns for use as strength members in fibre optic cables.
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