COA: 82.16 GBp
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Gotex MCT

Gotex MCT
Ideal solution for making fire resistant wires and cable
This band-shaped electrical and thermal insulation material, consists of high heat-resistant mica bonded to supporting materials of non-alkaline glass fibre fabric or polyethylene film, impregnated with high temperature resistant silicone resin.

MCT tapes are an ideal solution for making fire resistant wires and cable. They have outstanding charasteristics and are designed to meet the individual requirements of users in telecommunications, and other cables which have to meet high performance levels.

Cable reel red

Eigenschaften und Vorteile


  • Exceptional high dielectric strength at high temperature
  • High fire resistance
  • High tensile strength compared with another similar products
  • Strong resistance to radiation, acid and alkalis
  • Excellent flexibility

Mica Packaging

  • Exceptional Wide range of widths
  • Tailored roll lengths, following your specific needs
  • Several standard cores
  • All products are delivered with test certificate of properties


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