

vAls weltweit größter Anbieter von Industrienähgarnen bieten wir eine Reihe von Nähgarnen in einer Vielzahl von Größen für den Einsatz in der Jeans und Denim Bekleidungsherstellung. Unser Opti-Sortiment an Reißverschlüssen ergänzt unsere Garne für Denim und Jeansbekleidung.

Latest developments

Try the NEW Denim Visualiser

We have formulated a tool in partnership with Endrime that provides guidance on the correct threads and colours to choose for a variety of denim washes

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Denim Visualiser

Coats Rugged thread range is resistant to harsh wash processes containing bleach.

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Coats Decorative Threads for Denim

Colourful and attractive sewing threads for decorative stitching and embroidery denim applications

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Every small step in denim washing makes a big difference to the finished garment in denim manufacturing. We will take you through the process of denim wash, dye types and the steps

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Coats tahu tentang denim

Mit unserem globalen Fachwissen, innovativen Lösungen und unserem technischen Support kann Coats Ihnen helfen, Ihre Anforderungen an Denim jetzt und in Zukunft zu erfüllen.

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Denim CoatsCast: The past, present and future of denim

A host of experts, design gurus and innovators had a lively discussion around the threads we use every day, the sustainability challenges we face, and where we think denim is heading in the years to come.

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