COA: 77.77 GBp
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Financial performance

Continuing operations FY 2022 FY 20213 FY 2022 vs FY 2021
    Reported 4CER 4Organic
   Revenue* $1,584m $1,447m 9% 16% 10%
   Operating profit* $235m $198m 19% 27% 22%
   EBITDA* $284m $243m      
   Basic earnings per share* 8.2c 7.2c      
   Free cash flow* $114m $124m      
   Net debt (excl. IFRS 16) $394m $147m      
   Pro forma leverage*2 1.4x 0.7x      
   Operating profit $181m $178m 2% 9% 9%
   Basic earnings per share 4.8c 5.8c      
   Net cash generated by operating activities $96m $129m      
   Final dividend per share 1.73c 1.50c      
   Total dividend per share 2.43c 2.11c      
* Indicates our KPI measures. See pages 30-31 for more details and historical performance.

1. Reported metrics refer to values contained in the IFRS column of the primary financial statements in either the current or comparative period.

2. Leverage calculated on a pro forma and frozen GAAP basis and therefore excludes the impact of IFRS 16 on both adjusted EBITDA and net debt and includes a full 12 months of EBITDA for Texon and Rhenoflex.

3. Restated to reflect the results of the Brazil and Argentina business, divested in 2022, as a discontinued operation.

4. Alternative Performance Measures – see note 37.


Organic revenue growth
Recycled sales growth
Strategic projects savings in 2022
On track to deliver $70m in 2024
Adjusted EBIT
Adjusted EBIT margin
Adjusted Free cash flow

Rajiv Sharma
Group CEO