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Gotex FRP

Dielectric composite strength member in fibre optic cables

Coats çeşitli stratejik son kullanım pazarlarına yönelik çok çeşitli ürünlerin tasarım ve tedarik edilmesinde uzmandır.

Gotex FG
Gotex FG
This lightweight fibreglass yarn is used to reduce wear and tear of fibre optic cables, as well as protecting against damage from gnawing rodents and fire damage.
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Gotex FGU
Gotex FGU
Super light and flexible fibreglass yarn with a waterabsorbent coating.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FG SL
Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FG SL
This coated fibreglass yarn is great for strengthening and protecting fibreglass cables against rodent attacks and wear and tear.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FGU SL
Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FGU SL
Gotex FGU SL is a super light and flexible fibreglass yarn with a water-absorbent coating.
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Gotex FG L
Gotex FG L
This flexible, lightweight, coated fibreglass strength member yarn used in fibre optic cable, which also prevents rodent damage.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FGU L
Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FGU L
Lightweight and flexible fibreglass yarn with a water-absorbent coating. It is engineered to strengthen fibre optic cables and block water from reaching the cable core.
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Gotex FG PU
Gotex FG PU
This coated fibreglass yarn is great for strengthening and protecting fibreglass cables against rodent attacks and wear and tear.
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Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FGU PU
Fiberglass Strength Member Gotex FGU PU
This fibreglass yarn is treated with a water-absorbent coating that helps to strengthen and protect fibre optic cables from water damage.
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Fiberglass Str. Memb. PE AdhesionGotex FG Ultrabond PE
Fiberglass Str. Memb. PE AdhesionGotex FG Ultrabond PE
Strength member made from E-glass fibres and is primarily used as a peripheral strength element in fibre optic cables
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Gotex FG AW
Gotex FG AW
A strength member made from E-glass fibres and is primarily used as a peripheral resistance element in fibre optic cables.
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Gotex StremX
Gotex StremX
A new generation of high performance Gotex fibre that can be used as a strength element in fibre optic cables.
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Gotex StremX HY
Gotex StremX HY
A new generation of high performance yarns for use as strength members in fibre optic cables.
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Protos STM
Protos STM
High modulus coated aramid for use as a strength member in telecommunication cables
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Protos Ultrabloc STM
Protos Ultrabloc STM
Coats Protos Ultrabloc STM is a water swellable, super absorbent coated aramid for use in cables as a strength member.
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Protos Binder
Protos Binder
Bu yavaş büzüşen para-aramid iplik, yüksek bükme hızlarına dayanacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır ve gevşek boru kablolarında mükemmel bir çift uçlu bağlayıcı yapar.
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Protos Ultrabloc Binder
Protos Ultrabloc Binder
Coats Protos Ultrabloc Binder is a water swellable, super absorbent coated aramid for use in cables as a binder.
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Protos Ripcord
Protos Ripcord
Tutuş gücünü geliştiren ve daha kolay kablo birleştirme imkanı sunan özel bükme teknolojisiyle tasarlanmış para-aramid ipliktir.
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Polyester Binder Gral Binder LS
Polyester Binder Gral Binder LS
Ultra low-shrink multi-filament polyester yarn for loose tube telecommunication cables.
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Polyester Binder Gral Binder SLS
Polyester Binder Gral Binder SLS
Coats Gral Binder SLS, ultra düşük çekme oranıyla yüksek dayanıma sahip multifilament polyester bir ipliktir.
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Polyester Ripcord Gral Ripcord
Polyester Ripcord Gral Ripcord
Kablo ceketi yırtma ipliği uygulamaları için sonsuz multifilament polyester
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Dabond Ultrabloc
Dabond Ultrabloc
Sonsuz filament malzemeden imal edilmiş, yüksek dayanımlı, polyester kaplamalı, yüksek derecede pürüzsüz, yüksek emiciliğe sahip, suda şişen (hidrofil) dış kaplamaya sahip bir üründür.
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Swellable Yarn Ultrabloc SY
Swellable Yarn Ultrabloc SY
Coats Ultrabloc SY, tuzlu suya ve deniz suyuna karşı dirençli olan ve aşırı sıcaklıklara dayanıklı, suda şişen (hidrofil) bir tür polimer ipliktir.
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Swellable Yarn Ultrabloc F
Swellable Yarn Ultrabloc F
Spun super-absorbent polymer thread that is ideal for dry blocking in wire and cable products.
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Gotex FRP
Gotex FRP
This all-dielectric composite, used as a central strength member in fibre optic cables, is available in a range of different coatings.
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Gotex ARP
Gotex ARP
This smooth reinforced plastic is used to support specialty telecommunications cables.
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PVC coated polyester yarn that can function in extreme environments
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PVC coated nylon yarn that can function in extreme environments and is designed for use in wiring harness systems across a number of industries.
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Synergex™ Technology is a method of commingling dissimilar fibres for final property optimisation to produce a specific product requirement.
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Lattice & Lattice Lite
Lattice & Lattice Lite
Coats Lattice ve Lattice Lite teknolojisi, performansı en üst düzeye çıkarıp atık miktarını azaltarak Synergex kompozit elyaf grubumuzu mükemmel bir şekilde tamamlar.
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Lattice Lite Eco
Lattice Lite Eco
Spor ve iş güvenliği ayakkabılarında rakipsiz sürdürülebilirlik sunmak için geri dönüştürülmüş karbon, bazalt elyaf veya termoplastikler gibi çevre dostu ham maddelerin kullanıldığı devrim niteliğinde bir elyaf-fiber serme teknolojisi
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Gotex FG WT
Gotex FG WT
This flame-resistant fibreglass woven tape is used in telecommunications cables to protect against fire and rodents.
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Protos WT
Protos WT
Coats Protos WT aramid tapes are designed and woven to specifically provide improved resistance and protecting cables against bullets (small caliber).
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Gotex XTRU PE A is an innovative tape that strengthens and preserves the life of flexible pipes used in oil and gas.
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A polypropylene copolymer extruded tape reinforced with high modulus aramid cords.
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Gotex MCT
Gotex MCT
This band-shaped electrical and thermal insulation material, consists of high heat-resistant mica bonded to supporting materials of non-alkaline glass fibre fabric or polyethylene film, impregnated with high temperature resistant silicone resin.
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Gotex NW UBC
Gotex NW UBC
Range of non-conductive or semi-conductive non-woven polyester tapes with a waterblocking coating
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Uygulama Alanları

As the world’s largest provider in the design and supply of high-tech composites, we offer a comprehensive product offering for a wide range of industrial end uses.


We will continue to drive supplier-led innovation, take a look at some of our latest solutions designed to help our customers develop their competitive position

Bilgi Merkezi

Coats technical bulletins provide expertise and are packed with technical insight and knowledge; these are a must read for high-tech products manufacturers who are serious about excellent product quality, high levels of productivity and reducing excess costs.


We offer a wide range of tools and value-added services to help our customers.

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  2. Besleme dişlilerinde tiftik birikip birikmediğini kontrol edin. Eğer birikmişse temizleyin.
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  4. Dikiş adımı uzunluğu regülatörünü kontrol edin. Sıfır dikiş adımı uzunluğuna ayarlanmış olabilir.
  5. Dikiş ipliğinin tansiyonunu kontrol edin. Eğer dikiş ipliği gevşekse baskı ayağı altında tıkanıyor olabilir.
  6. İğne plakasının sıkıca tutturulmuş olup olmadığını kontrol edin.

Coats, dikiş ipliğine ilave lubrikasyon / silikon eklenmesini önermiyor. Dikiş ipliğinin rengi değişebilir, sürtünme değerinde varyasyonlar oluşabilir ve yağ lekelerine neden olabilir. Püskürtülen silikon operatörler/makinistler tarafından solunursa sağlık problemlerine yol açabilir.

Boya çekimi pamuk tipi, kalitesi, bitim işlemi, vs. gibi birçok parametreye bağlıdır. Kumaş ve dikiş ipliği arasında herhangi bir parametre farkı renkte farklılık oluşmasına neden olacaktır.

Daha esnek dikiş elde etmek için cm ya da inch başına dikiş adımı oranı arttırılabilir, iğne / lüper tansiyonları düşürülebilir ya da kullanılan dikiş ipliği tipini değiştirilebilirsiniz.