COA: 77.77 GBp
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Coats S HydroF

Our strongest zips with PU coated tape made from 100% recycled polyester
Le cerniere Opti S HydroF EcoVerde presentano un nastro in tessuto e una spirale, realizzati al 100% in poliestere riciclato per contribuire a ridurre l'impronta ambientale.

These zips are ideal for applications involving heavier loads and frequent zipping and unzipping operations.

Discover more about Coats S HydroF and download our product datasheets or contact one of our experts.

Dichiarazione Di Limitazione Di Responsabilità

Coats HydroS zips are not recommended for products which are laundered frequently as the water repellent property may be affected by repeated washing with detergent.

Coats recommends customers to run tests and production trials on all zip uses/applications in order to verify that the product meets the end customer requirements and also the demands of internal processing conditions.

Coats supports customers with advice on individual applications when requested. If you have any questions or concerns, please contattarci.