COA: 77.77 GBp
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Materasso e biancheria da letto

Maximum productivity and superior quality of seams

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Flame Retardant Protective Clothing

Flame retardant clothing with reliable protection

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Telecom and Energy Cables

The One-stop-shop for all your Telecoms needs

Featured Segments

We specialize in high-tech performance materials design and supply globally

Coats è esperta nella progettazione e fornitura di una vasta gamma di prodotti che servono una varietà di mercati strategici di utilizzo finale.

Filo da cucito in meta-aramide filato in fiocco che può resistere a temperature di fiamma fino a 371 ° C, rendendolo una scelta eccellente per indumenti protettivi.
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Filo di poliestere eccezionalmente durevole, resistente ai raggi UV, utilizzato nella produzione di prodotti per esterni e marini che devono funzionare in condizioni meteorologiche difficili.
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Delivers unique strength and integrity, making it ideal for automotive products, from airbags to seat belts.
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Armoren FLX
Armoren FLX
Coats Armoren FLX è una gamma innovativa di filati per guanti e maniche antitaglio, specificamente progettati per essere morbidi, flessibili e confortevoli.
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Swellable Yarn Ultrabloc SY
Swellable Yarn Ultrabloc SY
Coats Ultrabloc SY is a water-swellable polymer yarn that can resist salt and sea water, and withstand extreme temperatures.
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Admiral FH Vero
Admiral FH Vero
Cordino per tamponi in 100% cotone organico anti-traspirante realizzato in ambiente sterile per fornire protezione contro I bio-organismi
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FlamePro™ High Visibility
FlamePro™ High Visibility
An inherently flame resistant and high-visibility certified fabric that is one of the lightest fabrics of its kind.
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FlamePro™ Splash
FlamePro™ Splash
Un tessuto protettivo contro gli schizzi di metallo fuso che è appositamente progettato per essere leggero, morbido e flessibile pur mantenendo la durata per un'usura di lunga durata.
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Hook and loop fasteners to meet the particular and specialised needs of our customers.
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Signal Lucence
Signal Lucence
Una gamma di materiali di nastri da cucire, trasferiti a caldo che utilizzano una innovativo, rivoluzionario progetto basato sulla tecnologia fosforescente che aumenta la visibilità e la sicurezza delle persone
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A comprehensive range of retro-reflective products for all types of high visibility applications.
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Information Hub

Coats technical bulletins provide expertise and are packed with technical insight and knowledge; these are a must read for high-tech products manufacturers who are serious about excellent product quality, high levels of productivity and reducing excess costs.


We offer a wide range of tools and value-added services to help our customers.


Select a topic below to see related 'Frequently Asked Questions'. If you don’t find the answers you're looking for, use our contact form to e-mail your information request to the appropriate Coats contact.

  1. Check your presser foot has enough pressure applied to the fabric to give positive feed.
  2. Check and clear your feed dogs of any lint that may have built up.
  3. Check and adjust the height of the feed dogs.
  4. Check your stitch length regulator as it may be set to zero stitch length.
  5. Check the thread tension as it may be loose and the thread may be clogging under the presser foot.
  6. Check your needle plate to ensure it is fixed securely.

Coats does not recommend adding any additional lubricant / silicone on thread. Thread colour may change, it can create large variation of frictions and cause oil staining. Atomised silicone may also become a health issue if breathed by operators / machinists.

The dye uptake depends on many parameters such as cotton type, quality, finish etc. and any difference in these parameters between the fabric and thread will result in shade difference.

To improve seam elongation it is possible to increase the stitch rating per cm or inch, increase the bite, reduce the needle / looper tensions on affected seams or change thread types used.