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Coats launches new lacework zip

Coats plc, the world’s leading industrial thread and consumer textile crafts business, is launching Opti S Cutwork, a new zip with a decorative lace tape that enhances the design and styling of fashion apparel.  The lacework zips are particularly appropriate as delicate detail on fine fabrics used in lingerie, blouses or dresses.

The special die cut moulds transform standard Coats S40 zips into stylish products that can be produced in any colour and in a variety of pattern shapes for different types of garments.  Customised Cutwork designs are also available.

Rajiv Sharma, CEO, Industrial Division, Coats plc, said: ‘We are constantly extending and innovating the range of zips we offer to ensure we are able to provide our customers with zips suitable for every product and situation.’

The continuous chain roll of the zip can also be used decoratively in hems and edging.  Despite their delicate appearance, the zips have the same washing and care instructions as standard polyester zips.

To find out more about Opti S Cutwork zips go to:

Opti S Cutwork zip


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For more information, please contact:

Kristina Blissett, Communications Manager

T +44 (0)208 210 5084, M +44 (0)7714 539887

Notes to Editors

About Coats

With a rich heritage dating back to the 1750s, Coats is the world’s leading industrial thread and consumer textile crafts business, at home in more than 70 countries, employing over 20,000 people across six continents. Revenues in 2013 were US$1.7bn.

Our well-known brands and strong relationships with customers and consumers mean our products and services meet current and future needs. Our company-wide understanding of our business partners and consumers, coupled with the deep expertise of our people, builds trust and certainty.

Coats’ pioneering history and innovative culture ensure the company continues leading the way around the world: providing complementary and value added products and services to the apparel and footwear industries; extending the crafts offer into new markets and online; and applying innovative techniques to develop products in new areas such as tracer threads, aramids and fibre optics.

  • One in five garments on the planet is held together using Coats’ thread
  • 100 million car airbags are made using Coats’ thread every year
  • Coats produces enough yarn to knit 70 million scarves a year
  • In three and a half hours, Coats makes enough thread to go to the moon and back
  • 400 million pairs of shoes are made every year using Coats’ thread
  • One million teabags using Coats’ thread are brewed every 10 minutes
  • Thousands of surgical operations take place every day using Coats’ thread
  • Thomas Edison used Coats’ thread in 1879 to invent the light bulb
  • Coats produces enough thread to reach around the Equator every 11 minutes
  • Coats is the second largest and fastest growing global zip manufacturer

To find out more about Coats visit

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