COA: 77.77 GBp
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Gramax EcoVerde AWF

100% recycled polyester continuous filament textured thread

Coats Gramax EcoVerde AWF is a 100% recycled polyester continuous filament textured thread with a PFC-free anti-wick finish.
Es ist eine umweltfreundlichere Wahl, da die Ausrüstung dazu beiträgt, dass Wasser nicht vom Garn aufgenommen wird.

Coats anti-wick PFC-free threads are the very best thread choice for no-compromise, premium water-resistant outdoor wear.

Gramax EcoVerde AWF textured filaments give the thread a soft feel and help provide comfort in next to skin seams.


Eigenschaften und Vorteile


  • Gramax EcoVerde AWF is a 100% recycled polyester continuous filament textured thread
  • Gramax EcoVerde AWF provides good seam coverage and softness for neat, comfortable seams
  • Die PFC-freie Anti-Wick-Ausrüstung hemmt den Kapillareffekt und sorgt so dafür, dass das Garn kein Wasser aufnimmt
  • Bei richtiger Nähspannung wird der Transport von Wasser durch das Nadelloch verhindert
  • Weniger energieintensiv in der Herstellung im Vergleich zu Neumaterialien, dadurch geringere Kohlendioxid-Emissionen bei der Produktion
  • Delivers a similar level of performance as the virgin range, whilst offering sustainability benefits
  • Zertifiziert nach dem Global Recycled Standard (GRS)


Since conditions and applications vary considerably in the use of a product, the customer and/or user should assure herself or himself that the product meets end customer requirements and is suitable for the intended end use. Coats accepts no liability for unsuitable or improper use or application of products.

Information provided above is based on current averages and should be taken only as indicative. Coats accepts no liability for the preciseness and correctness of the information provided.

Product information sheets are updated from time to time, please be sure you are referring to the most recent publication. Coats supports customers with advice on individual applications on request; if you have any questions or concerns, please kontaktieren Sie uns.